
LONGi’s climate governance structure

Role Member Responsibility
Decision-maker Icon The Strategy and Sustainability Committee of the Board of DirectorsThe highest decision-making and governance body of LONGi’s climate programs. The committee meets at least once a year to review the climate strategy and objectives, including medium- and long-term plans, annual plans, and the development and implementation of related policies, and to oversee the management of identified climate risks and opportunities.
Management Icon Strategy Management CommitteeThe decision-making body for LONGi’s climate actions led by the Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO). The committee regularly assesses the risks and opportunities posed by climate change and develops climate action response strategies.
Group’s Energy Management Leading GroupThe Company’s energy saving and emission reduction promotion and implementation organization, with the Plant Management Department as the main responsible department. The committee is responsible for organizing the carbon inventories and carbon reduction implementation at the group level.
Execution Icon Sustainability and ESG OfficeThe climate action coordinator of the Company, with the Brand Management Department as the main responsible department. The office is responsible for organizing the implementation of climate action commitments at the group level.
Supply Chain Management CenterThe environmental and emission reduction management department for suppliers, with the Supplier and Operation Management Department responsible for accounting, promoting, and evaluating suppliers’ emission reduction actions.

Energy utilization in the production process

?In 2023, we further improved the energy utilization in the production process of our products, implemented technological transformation for the different products based on their characteristics (e.g. monocrystalline, wafer, cell, and module), and managed to save energy during the whole process.

  • Monocrystalline silicon
    • Using the waste heat of the air compressor, we can heat the pure water in the washing machine and increase its temperature by 25~30℃, thus saving the power originally required for the process
    • Estimated annual electricity savings 61.78 million kWh
    • 2023 specific electricity saving by product: 59,489.50 (10k kWh)